Know what you own and know why you own it

Many investors go to a great extent to build their portfolio with the help of a financial advisor or doing it on their own. The problem is many of these plans are either put on autopilot mode with little or no management or ignored.

Do you want to review and know how your portfolio has performed?

Do you want to know whether your investments are working hard for you?

Is your current asset allocation consistent with your risk profiling and goals?

Don’t neglect your portfolio for too long as investing is a long term decision. Buy and hold does not mean you ignore your portfolio and the sell side of the equation. Reviewing your portfolio is as important as disciplined investing to ensure your holdings are creating value for you.

Deep Scan - Equity Plan

Portfolio Review report by our experts for financial rewards
Portfolio Summary
Review of up to 15 Existing Stock Investments
Explained With Multiple Tables And Graphs
Buy, Hold or Sell Advice
Review of Portfolio Quarterly
Portfolio Report


Sample Portfolio Review Report

Deep Scan Equity Plan

Why you should subscribe?

Take care of your money and it will take care of you

About Plan

A simple, convenient, holistic, and cost-effective subscription plan curated by our experts. One-Stop solution to review and ensure your finances are on track. As trusted RIA, you will get a 100% unbiased and independent review of your existing investments to create long term wealth.


We have a dedicated research team of experts with one goal to suggest a tailored made portfolio. Our experts leverage data tools to crunch millions of data points to deep scan your portfolio to create long term value for you.

High Security

We deploy high-grade security with encryption and ensure that your sensitive information is safe with us.

Asset Allocation

We advise suitable asset allocation across asset classes like Equity, Debt, Cash, and alternative investment based on your risk profiling and perform asset allocation gap analysis.

Achieve your Goals

Personal goals like your own home, child education, marriage, retirement, wealth creation, etc. gives you a reason to invest. Reviewing your portfolio ensure your financial goals are on track.

Risk Management

A portfolio review helps you align your asset mix and investments aiming to reduce the risk of not achieving your goals and ensure your plan is on track.


With you whenever you need


We recommend the best performing funds and durable instruments with solid fundamentals and time tested investing principles to build a well-rounded portfolio and create long-term wealth for our clients.


As trusted RIA, our advice is 100% unbiased and independent. We don't accept any commission and take a nominal advisory fee from our clients. We work for you hence our advice is completely aligned with your interests and financial goals.


We believe that investing should be a delightful experience just like any other online shopping experience. Therefore, we are working continuously to develop a one-stop investment solution platform that gives access to a wide range of investment products and services for a hassle-free investing experience.

The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different

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